Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Confrontation

Yesterday was a very stressful day for me. One of the students that I have been going out of my way to try and help was very disrespectful and challenged me! He and another student engaged in an argument, so I split them up and told the one in question to sit in the front closer to me. He proceeded to keep talking at the other student and even used profanity. I took out my discipline slips to write him up and he went into a rage. I told him to get out of my class and go to the office, he refused! I opened the door and repeated again, this time, he steps to me (in my personal space) like I was supposed to be scared and back off, or like he was going to hit me. Keep in mind all of this time, he is yelling out disrepectful comments. I told him that he did not intimidate me, nor scare me and he eventually stepped out. I walked down to the office with him to report the incident. To make a long story short, he was suspended. I would have never thought I would experience something like this so close to the beginning of the school year!

Today, on the other hand, has been great. Most of my students grades are improving drastically. I don't know if it's self-motivation, or the fact that progress reports are going out on Tuesday! I would rather it be the former.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I was kind of disappointed today because of the test scores from my AP government students. I only had six A's in both of my class periods. Well actually my 6th period class did not have any A's; the A's came from my 1st period class. On the positive side, my students are understanding more of the writings from the philosophers that influenced the constitution. So far we have read John Locke's "Two Treatises," Madison's "Federalist #10," Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence," and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. They told me today that they are digesting the information a little more clearer. I have been reviewing the material and after the quiz, we always go over the answers and discuss them.

Now, World History, on the other hand is a different story! I have more students and the majority are not working toward their full potential. Assignments are not completed on time and they hardly make an effort to learn the material. I have tried cooperative learning groups, graphic organizers, and some other strategies. Some of my students are doing a great job, but most of them are not making any attempts. There is so much difference between my AP students and my general level. My AP students may not do well all the time, but they do care and make an effort to perform better on the next quiz or test. I have had general students over the past 2 weeks to tell me that they are not going to graduate anyways, so why try. I tell them that just because they are a little bit behind doesn't mean that they can't catch up. It will just take hard work and motivation. I have also went on and on about the importance of education; I hope my ramblings are not in vain!

Friday, September 4, 2009

My first 3 weeks as a new teacher has been very interesting and memorable. I have a group of great students and if I can get them and keep them self-motivated I think they will do fantastic!

One of my greatest concerns is how can I self-motivate my students. As soon as I give a homework assignment, or classwork, the first thing that comes out of their mouths are "Is this for a grade?" "How many points is it worth?" They always make this inference so that they can determine if they can take a zero on it and whether or not it will hurt their grade. Their not concerned that it will reinforce and help them understand the material better. Now, I also have students that are going to do their work regardless, they do not care whether it is for a grade or not, these are my over-achievers! I am so happy that I have them. I can also use them to work with other students who are having trouble understanding the material

Today, was also the first time that I had to write up one of my students. It kind of bothered me and I felt bad, but I had given him several warnings about making disruptions in class. He also constantly tries to come behind my desk in my personal space. Finally, I had to stop it, warnings were no longer helping. However, he did come back and apologize to me later and he told me that he was not going to give me any more problems. I hope I do not have to fill out another discipline slip any time soon!

Overall, I think teaching is a great profession and I love what I am doing!