Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I was kind of disappointed today because of the test scores from my AP government students. I only had six A's in both of my class periods. Well actually my 6th period class did not have any A's; the A's came from my 1st period class. On the positive side, my students are understanding more of the writings from the philosophers that influenced the constitution. So far we have read John Locke's "Two Treatises," Madison's "Federalist #10," Thomas Jefferson's "Declaration of Independence," and Thomas Paine's Common Sense. They told me today that they are digesting the information a little more clearer. I have been reviewing the material and after the quiz, we always go over the answers and discuss them.

Now, World History, on the other hand is a different story! I have more students and the majority are not working toward their full potential. Assignments are not completed on time and they hardly make an effort to learn the material. I have tried cooperative learning groups, graphic organizers, and some other strategies. Some of my students are doing a great job, but most of them are not making any attempts. There is so much difference between my AP students and my general level. My AP students may not do well all the time, but they do care and make an effort to perform better on the next quiz or test. I have had general students over the past 2 weeks to tell me that they are not going to graduate anyways, so why try. I tell them that just because they are a little bit behind doesn't mean that they can't catch up. It will just take hard work and motivation. I have also went on and on about the importance of education; I hope my ramblings are not in vain!

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