Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Confrontation

Yesterday was a very stressful day for me. One of the students that I have been going out of my way to try and help was very disrespectful and challenged me! He and another student engaged in an argument, so I split them up and told the one in question to sit in the front closer to me. He proceeded to keep talking at the other student and even used profanity. I took out my discipline slips to write him up and he went into a rage. I told him to get out of my class and go to the office, he refused! I opened the door and repeated again, this time, he steps to me (in my personal space) like I was supposed to be scared and back off, or like he was going to hit me. Keep in mind all of this time, he is yelling out disrepectful comments. I told him that he did not intimidate me, nor scare me and he eventually stepped out. I walked down to the office with him to report the incident. To make a long story short, he was suspended. I would have never thought I would experience something like this so close to the beginning of the school year!

Today, on the other hand, has been great. Most of my students grades are improving drastically. I don't know if it's self-motivation, or the fact that progress reports are going out on Tuesday! I would rather it be the former.

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